Here at Aurora, we’re lucky to work for people who are passionate about the products we’re creating. Seldom will you meet top level management that take such a hands-on approach to the products and can spout soil science with the best of our biologists and chemists. I’ve learned a lot about soil science from my talks with Bowe and Austin, and we thought it would be fun to share some of that info with our loyal customers. Here’s Bowe and Austin talking best practices for using Soul Soilless.

What is Soul Soilless?

Bowe: Designed by the scientists at Aurora Innovations, Soul Soilless is a growing medium made from premium coco coir and perlite. We take our premium mineral-buffered coir and combine it with our in-house perlite to create a ready-to-use material for hydro and larger container "coco soilless" applications.

How does it work?

Austin: Coco has the highest cation exchange rate of any media on the market. Soul Soilless is charged with beneficial bacteria and Leonardite, and then mixed with 20% perlite, which provides ideal drainage for rapid growth and high-yielding plants.

What product is most like it and why is Soul Soilless better than our competitors?

Austin: This Soul product beats our competition because we lead the pack in coco and perlite technology. Our coco coir is washed for 24 months for super low EC levels. And we pay the same attention to detail with our in-house perlite.
Bowe: Essentially, we take natural volcanic ore and heat it in our 1600-degree vertical airlift-driven furnace. Our high-velocity and low-frequency filtration system allows us to control product grades. Unlike most of our competitors, we have range and precision.
Austin: Creating our own perlite is part of our general philosophy of vertical integration—it allows us to provide more local jobs here in Oregon while simultaneously having complete quality control over the product.

What’s the best way to use Soul Soilless?

Soul Soilless is intended for run-to-waste or hydroponic growing. It should be fertilized most feedings. The product is designed to be used with Soul nutrients, but will work with any hydroponic formula.

For more information on Soul Soilless click here.

New Soul Soilless
Ashley Conti